Search Results for: Web API

Azure Management Certificates (German Cloud, Azure Deutschland)

Azure Benjamin Perkins

This article has to do mostly with the German Cloud, #GermanCloud #AzureGermany because it is most probable that there will not be anything similar to deployed to this solution. Why is that important? It is important because this is historically how many people configured thier PowerShell or other clients to make deployments/configurations onto Azure. […]

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Could not load file or assembly ‘benjamin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.","errorDetails" SOLVED

Debugging Benjamin Perkins

I was writting this article about #AzureFunctions here called “How to add assembly references to an Azure Function App” and another here called “How to make a simple DLL as an assembly reference just for fun” and I got this exceptions when I called the Azure Function: D:\>curl.exe -G http://localhost:7071/api/GrettingsAssemblyReference?code=b442be73f7124dd8ae57747e7ffc496d -d name=Benjamin {“id”:”3abc8583-47c0-43e3-90f0-d2f7fe577d43″,”requestId”:”b74ef638-0f71-4303-adca-2c7741e1dcb7″,”statusCode”:500,”errorCode”:0,”messsage”:”Exception while executing […]

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Testing/Consuming an Azure Function

Azure Functions Benjamin Perkins

I created an Azure Function using these instructions and the Visual Studio Tools For Azure Functions which I discussed here and here. #Azure #AzureFunction #AzureAppService I also found some good instructions on how to test Azure Functions here. As shown in Figure 1, I created a C# Http Trigger Azure Function named ‘SayHello’ with an […]

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