The expected latency when downloading anything from a server to a client should increase as the size of the file increases. Simply, the bigger the file the longer it takes to download. There is a common step when writing an API that returns a JSON formatted file, which is the deserialization of the data content […]
Read More →Archive for November, 2020
Azure Function keys, keys and more keys, regenerated and synced
A very important point you must understand when it comes to working with Azure Functions is that that product is tightly bound to an Azure Storage account. You see, Azure Functions is a compute offering, when you provision that you are getting some CPU, some memory and a host to run the code on. The […]
Read More →Debugging an ASP.NET Core app using WinDbg, plus some other information
Things change and as I always say “that’s better than the alternative”. Although I have yet to put my finger on it, the behavior I experience when debugging Core applications is different than those which have come before. If I ever do figure out the specifics of those differences, I will write them down and […]
Read More →Securing an Azure App Service or Azure Function PaaS
A common topic I would like to call out which I see in regards to security has to do with endpoints. I kind of want to call those endpoints “potentially vulnerable attack vectors”. I am a bit nervous writing “vulnerable” because the endpoints I mention here are secure, which is why I also called out […]
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