I was reading this article where it discusses some of the different kinds of Clouds that Azure supports. For example: Public Cloud China Cloud German Cloud US Government Cloud There may be more, but I was working on publishing an Azure App Service to the German Cloud and I was not finding my subscription in […]
Read More →Archive for January, 2017
Using LINQ with Reflection in C#
Reflection is used to read meta data from a .Net assembly. For example, if you what to find all the method inside of a .dll, you can use Reflection to do it. You can also load and execute the method. I find it an interesting concept that we have the capability to search and use […]
Read More →Recursively traverse an XML document using the Action delegate in C#
I was lucky enough to be able to develop a relatively complicated recursive process twice. They didn’t do exactly the same same and were different enough that I was not able to reuse the first implementation completely. What I had to do was build a treeview from a hierarchy of data and reflection objects, capture […]
Read More →Multiple Child Grids on the same level using MVC 2 and jqGrid (jQuery)
In many scenarios you will need to display more than a single child table at the same level. I.e. display multiple child tables at the same level. To accomplish this within an MVC 2 application using jqGrid you need to include the following: [sourcecode language=”html” padlinenumbers=”true” autolinks=”false” gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”] <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="../../Content/jqgrid/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.css" /> […]
Read More →How to create a Feedback Web User Control form in C# (Part 2)
If you have not read Part 1, read it here. [sourcecode language=”csharp” gutter=”false” toolbar=”false” autolinks=”false”] <%@ Control Language="C#" CodeFile="LeaveFeedBack.ascx.cs" Inherits="include_LeaveFeedBack" %> <asp:Table HorizontalAlign="Center" ID="BlogFeedbackTable" runat="server"> <asp:TableRow><asp:TableCell> </asp:TableCell></asp:TableRow> <asp:TableRow><asp:TableCell BackColor="#2BA94F" HorizontalAlign="Center" ForeColor="White" ColumnSpan="2">Feedback / Question></asp:TableCell></asp:TableRow> <asp:TableRow><asp:TableCell> </asp:TableCell></asp:TableRow> <asp:TableHeaderRow> <asp:TableHeaderCell HorizontalAlign="Left">Your Name:</asp:TableHeaderCell> <asp:TableHeaderCell HorizontalAlign="Left">Your Email:</asp:TableHeaderCell> </asp:TableHeaderRow> <asp:TableRow> <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left"><asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxName" Width="245" MaxLength="20" runat="server" /></asp:TableCell> <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left"><asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxEmail" Width="245" MaxLength="50" […]
Read More →How to make your code faster when you use IF THEN
I read this very cool article and I had to test it out for myself. I can say that for sure that if the pattern of your IF THEN statements are predictable, that you code will run faster. This is due to a concept called Branch Prediction that is located on the CPU. Basically, the […]
Read More →Connect to an Oracle database without an Oracle Client
Reducing the number of tasks during deployment of a new system or version update does, at least, 2 things. Fewer number of tasks means it takes less time Fewer number of tasks means less items to troubleshoot if something doesn’t work Removing the installation and configuration of an Oracle Client can now be avoided from […]
Read More →Data Types in C#
There are some really good descriptions and explanations concerning data types on the internet. However I will add my understanding and comments about them on this website. Just in case you stumble across this page in your search for ultimate C# knowledge. There are 2 data types. Value Types and Reference Types. I published a […]
Read More →How to create a Feedback Web User Control form in C# (Part 1)
While creating this technical blog website, I decided to implement the functionality that allows readers to give feedback. This is a common function. What is not common is finding examples of how to create a feedback form. As well, a feedback form that can be resued inside of each blog using a web control. So […]
Read More →Anonymous Method / Delegate
Delegates in C# are similar to function pointers in C++ and allow methods to be passed as parameters. In this example we will create a delegate called CalculateCharge and a Withdrawal class: [sourcecode language=”csharp”] delegate decimal CalculateCharge(decimal withdrawal); class Withdrawal { public string AccountOwnerName; public decimal withdrawal; public decimal charge; public CalculateCharge calculation; } [/sourcecode] […]
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