Tags: IIS

IIS Debugging Labs – Information and setup instructions

IIS Benjamin Perkins

These labs provide a group of debugging scenarios focused on helping you get some hands on experience in debugging the most common type of IIS issues. For example, hang/performance, crash and memory issues. Installation These labs are focused IIS 8.5, but can be run on the following versions of IIS IIS Version Operating System IIS […]

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Configure the IIS Application Initialization module

IIS Benjamin Perkins

During my many years of active IIS administration which hosted ASP.NET application, we had many discussions about why the first request to the web site took longer than those coming after. In short, it’s because the first request, after a restart of the process results in a recompilation of the temporary ASP.NET files. In complicated, […]

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IIS Benjamin Perkins

An HTTP status code of 502 – Bad Gateway means “The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.”  I interpret that to mean that there is a server (server A) between my client and the server (server B) […]

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Publish has encountered an error ERROR_FILE_IN_USE

Visual Studio Benjamin Perkins

I was making a deployment to an ASP.NET Core application from Visual Studio and got this error, see Figure 1. Figure 1, deployment asp.net core web deploy msdeploy from visual studio Read some of my other web deploy articles here: Web Deploy ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE Azure Web App ERROR_CONNECTION_TERMINATED msdeploy web deploy All of them are accessible […]

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The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. 404.63.0

IIS Benjamin Perkins

I was troubleshooting this issue on an Azure App Service (ASE) and found the 404 was actually a 404.63.0 which translates into “Site not found: Hostname lookup failed, we are probably under attack”.  The interesting thing was that it was only reproducible randomly and after I sat an hit the F5 or refreshed the page […]

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