Category: C# Blogs

With-clause referenced two different from-clause elements

Benjamin Perkins C#

I believe if you are getting this error that there is more likely something wrong with your configuration than with NHibernate. I received this error when I wanted to create a nested join between 2 unrelated tables. Something like this in HQL: [sourcecode language=”sql” padlinenumbers=”true” autolinks=”false” gutter=”false” toolbar=”false”] select tbl.CODE, av1.NUM, al1.CODE from TABLE tbl […]

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What do C# values look like in WinDbg

WinDbg Benjamin Perkins

One of the important areas you need to master when analyzing memory dumps is to recognize patterns that are normal and not normal.  You can only come to those conclusions after looking at many, many, many, many memory dumps and either remembering or taking notes on how a process looks when all is ok, so […]

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