Using HTTP/2 with ARR and IIS 10

IIS Benjamin Perkins

I was asked a question about if the Application Request Router supports the HTTP 2 protocol on IIS 10 (not sure what it will be called). I was pretty confident that it did, but nothing beats a test to confirm it. So that is what I did. I used this article here that contains some […]

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ASP.NET 5 renamed to ASP.NET Core 1.0

ASP.NET Benjamin Perkins

I was reading this article here which made a lot of sense. There was a bit of confusion on my part that was touched on as originally I assumed that ASP.NET 5 was the newer version of ASP.NET 4.6 while in fact it was a whole new branch of the feature. With branch I mean, […]

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Why is my ASP.NET application recycling, restarting

ASP.NET Benjamin Perkins

When you are experiencing slowness with your ASP.NET application, one place to check is if the application is being recycled. If the application is being recycled over and over again, then sessions and application settings are lost and it has a pretty big impact on your users and customers. A place to begin your investigation […]

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Make a self-signed SHA256 SSL certificate

IIS Benjamin Perkins

I wrote an article about making an SSL certificate using MAKECERT here, but that example used the default SHA1 signature hash algorithm which is deprecating. Therefore, instead of the command shown in Figure 6 on the referenced article, I recommend using this command, that includes the SHA256 attribute, similar to that shown in Figure 1: […]

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Install Failed Request Tracing on IIS 8.5 Server Core

IIS Benjamin Perkins

To setup Failed Request Tracing on an IIS 8.5 Server Core server, follow these steps. Start PowerShell Install the Web-Http-Tracing Role, using Install-WindowsFeature Configure the rule via a Remote Management IIS connection How to configure an IIS Server Core server for remote management Start PowerShell When you login to a Service Core installation of Windows […]

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How to add a Server Core IIS server to a domain

IIS Benjamin Perkins

I have been messing around with Server Core, this is a much friendlier version when I need to closely manage physical hardware resources like CPU and memory. Plus, there are fewer updates that I need to install with the much more limited OS foot print. As I buld my IIS servers to test a reproduction […]

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Configure an IIS Server Core server for remote management

IIS Benjamin Perkins

To configure an IIS 8.5 server running on Server Core, perform the following: Install the Web-Server role Install the Web-Mgmt-Service Enable Remote Management Set the WMSVC service to start automatically Create connection from Remote IIS Management Console In a situation where you need to closely manage physical resources, you might consider using the Server Core […]

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What does Connection_Dropped_List_Full mean

IIS Benjamin Perkins

When you look in the HTTP Error log (c:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR) and see a lot of Connection_Dropped_List_Full error reasons logged, it means that the client has dropped the connection so many times, in a short period, that the log in which the dropped connections are stored has become full. You might also see numerous 200.0.64 HTTP Status […]

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Visual Studio Benjamin Perkins

NOTE: This exception happens most often when your corporate IT department has a firewall rule or proxy which is preventing the deployment to be made. The first step should be that you attempt a deployment outside of your corporate network, perhaps from home when connected on your private ISP. I was doing some deployments to […]

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