Author: Benjamin Perkins

String vs. StringBuilder

Benjamin Perkins C#

A blog would not be complete without an article about the differences between appending or modifying a string using the String Class versus the StingBuilder class. See, strings are immutable, which means once they are created they cannot be changed. Any time you make a modification to a string, after is has been created you […]

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Dictionary in C#

I am finding that as you learn to use and implement more sophisticated programming techniques the easier it becomes to created what many would call “complex algorithms”. I believe this, just think about what alternative you have to a Dictionary. I mean other than the similar methods found in the System.Collections or Systems.Collections.Generic classes. Configuration […]

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Fields vs. Properties in C#

There is a very significant difference between a field and property within a class. The difference is in the behaviour of the field when defined as either a static or instance. Basically, if you create 2 instances of class which has a static field, when you change the value of that field, the values in […]

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Azure Functions – Timer

Azure Functions Benjamin Perkins

The labs contained in this article show how to create, configure, code and monitor an Azure Function with a Timer. There is a detailed document here “Timer trigger for Azure Functions” which discusses the Timer trigger in detail so I will not readdress that content. I have written an AzureFunctionConsumer program which I host on […]

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Azure Function – Service Bus

Azure Functions Benjamin Perkins

The labs contained in this article show how to create, configure, code and monitor an Azure Function with a Service Bus. There is a detailed document here “Azure Service Bus bindings for Azure Functions” which discusses the Service Bus trigger in detail so I will not readdress that content. There is also a helpful article […]

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Azure Functions – Storage Queue

Azure Functions Benjamin Perkins

The labs contained in this article show how to create, configure, code and monitor an Azure Function with a Storage Queue. There is a detailed document here “Azure Queue storage bindings for Azure Functions” which discusses the Storage Queue trigger in detail so I will not readdress that content. I have written an AzureFunctionConsumer program […]

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