Archive for May, 2012

IIS Service will not start (Event Id 4275)

IIS Benjamin Perkins

When you are troubleshooting IIS issues there are tools like Failed Request Tracing, IIS logs, etc. which will let you see what is going on. But what do you do when IIS itself is not working? A common cause is that the applicationHost.config file is corrupted. Perhaps there was a manual modification made to it […]

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NHibernate mapping experience with an ambiguous reference

NHibernate Benjamin Perkins

Sometime things don’t always go as planned. I was making some nice progress with the process of mapping a database and all of a sudden I get the following compile time error message. Ambiguous type reference. A type named “Attribute” occurs in at least two namespaces. “Attribute” ist ein mehrdeutiger Verweis und kann “System.Attribute” oder […]

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Displaying detailed error messages in IIS

IIS Benjamin Perkins

One of the first questions I ask when troubleshooting an IIS case is “What HTTP Status code are you receiving?” I ask this question because it sets the direction for further analysis. In this example I want to discuss the 404 status code and how you might need to make some changes or do some […]

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Inserting Parent Child records using NHibernate IDENTITY INSERT OFF

NHibernate Benjamin Perkins

One of the errors I received when I was trying to get the parent child insert to work with NHibernate was: Ein expliziter Wert für die Identitätsspalte kann nicht in der ‘CHILD’-Tabelle eingefügt werden, wenn IDENTITY_INSERT auf OFF festgelegt ist Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table ‘IdentityTable’ when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to […]

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