Author: Benjamin Perkins

Using the as keyword versus boxing in C#

Benjamin Perkins C#

When I convert one object to another using the keyword “as” and the original value is not of that type, the converted value simply becomes NULL. For example, if theItem is of type MessageBox, then row will be NULL. DataRowView row = theItem as DataRowView; However, when using this code, I.e. boxing. DataRowView row = […]

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Searching a generic List collection using C#

Before you begin loading and populating collections, you should decide which collection to use based on the requirements. Some collections are built for speed when selecting, some are built for speed when loading, other for sorting, etc. A good description can be found here. This example I will search a strongly typed List for a […]

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Common Language Runtime

Runtime, in computer terms, is the time in which the computer program is actively executing the written code. The Common Language Runtime is a platform where a managed program executes. There are many advantages when a managed program is run in this environment. For example: Easy usage of components written in other programming languages Garbage […]

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Base Class Library (BCL)

Benjamin Perkins C#

The .NET framework provides a set of base class libraries which provide functions and features which can be used with any programming language which implements .NET, such as Visual Basic, C# (or course), Visual C++, etc. The base class library contains standard programming features such as Collections, XML, DataType definitions, IO ( for reading and […]

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Create a Random or Sequential GUID using ASP.NET and C#

Benjamin Perkins C#

The 2 controls above create either a GUID or a Sequential GUID. Generate a Radom GUID online or a Generate a Sequential GUID online using the above control. There is nothing too complicated about creating a random GUID. Using the below C# code provides a unique value. string uniqueRandomKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); I like to use […]

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Configure the IIS Application Initialization module

IIS Benjamin Perkins

During my many years of active IIS administration which hosted ASP.NET application, we had many discussions about why the first request to the web site took longer than those coming after. In short, it’s because the first request, after a restart of the process results in a recompilation of the temporary ASP.NET files. In complicated, […]

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