Category: IIS

Modify the Request Queue Limit, requestQueueLimit or Queue Length in IIS

IIS Benjamin Perkins

When optimizing and tuning an ASP.NET application you may want to increase the value of the requestQueueLimit. The requestQueueLimit is the maximum number of requests that can be queued by an ASP.NET process before errors get returned to the client. Modify Request Queue Limit within the Aspnet.config Below, the requestQueueLimit is configured in the Aspnet.config […]

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Kerberos authPersistNonNTLM authentication, request based vs. session based authentication

IIS Benjamin Perkins

Kerberos is a request based authentication protocol. That means with each request, there is a resulting authentication step. See the following figure 1 where you notice a Ticket request for each GET Http Command. Figure 1, Network Monitor log for request based authentication This article covers the implementation of the authPersistNonNTLM attribute, that when set […]

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Integrated Windows Authentication with NTLM

IIS Benjamin Perkins

IIS provides a number of different authentication techniques. One of which is Integrated Windows Authentication. Integrated Windows Authentication utilizes Negotiate/Kerberos or NTLM to authenticate users based on an encrypted ticket/message passed between a browser and a server. The preceding image shows a standard communication flow between Internet Explorer and IIS version 6+. The initial request […]

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Integrated Windows Authentication with Negotiate

IIS Benjamin Perkins

IIS provides a number of different authentication techniques. One of which is Integrated Windows Authentication. Integrated Windows Authentication utilizes Negotiate/Kerberos or NTLM to authenticate users based on an encrypted ticket/message passed between a browser and a server. The preceding image shows a standard communication flow between Internet Explorer and IIS version 6+. The initial request […]

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Create an IIS configuration backup

IIS Benjamin Perkins

The first step to take when making changes to a system is to backup what you currently have so that if there are problems with the system after the changes have applied, you have time constraints and can’t get the system to work, then you have at least a backup of the systems state to […]

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